"I answer, if it ever reach us, it must spring up amongst us. It cannot come from abroad. If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen, we must live through all time, or die by suicide.​"
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          - Abraham Lincoln


U.S. Air Force Base, Overseas 

A series of inspections, assessments, repairs and upgrades to jet fuel facilities at the air base.  The work included:
- Replacement of a 1.8 mile long aboveground pipeline and provision of a booster pump station.
- Inspection and repair of six 30,000 bbl cut and cover tanks.  Inspection included near-100% ultrasonic scanning of shells and strategic scanning of roofs using a magnetic “crawler”. 
- Inspection and repair of all fuel pipelines, piping in filter buildings and the jetty receipt pipeline.  Over two miles of buried and jetty lines were inspected using guided wave ultrasonics and integrity pressure testing.
- Inspection and repair of pipeline cathodic protection systems.

Corish Engineering served as the USAF on-site quality assurance inspector, spending a total of 14 months at the base.  Our duties included review of design and construction submittals and price proposals, evaluation of ongoing activities, field oversight, and quality control reporting.  We worked extensively with USAF in reviewing tank and pipeline inspection reports and developing contract modifications for additional inspections and the associated repair work.  Regular tasks included briefings with host nation air force command staff and engineering personnel.​​.

SPMS Feasibility And Alternative Support Options

U.S Air Force Base, Overseas

A project for the Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) to develop and analyze options for receiving jet fuel at the air base.  The study considered receipt by marine conveyance, pipeline and truck.  Four options were developed for detailed life cycle analysis; 1) refurbish and commission the existing Single Point Mooring System (SPMS), 2) analyze existing receipt modes for suitability in a contingency, 3) install a new SPMS and 4) install a new multi-buoy mooring system.  Upon completion of the analysis, a recommendation was made.

As a sub-consultant familiar with the base fuel infrastructure, Corish Engineering was tasked to propose options for consideration.  Once the options were determined, we supported the client in developing technical requirements, cost and risk factors for the SPMS refurbishment and existing modes options. This included researching jetty structural inspection and lifetime maintenance costs, assisting the prime consultant in preparing for stakeholder interviews, and participating in teleconferences and meetings at DLA.  Corish Engineering also performed completeness and coordination reviews of the prime’s draft and final reports.